Sunday, October 12, 2008

Green Thumb Sunday- October blooms

The nights are getting colder, but the days are still quite warm, and my garden seems to be thriving overall. The little pink hibiscus plant finally bloomed again. I've only gotten a very few blooms from this plant, and this late season flower is much smaller than previous ones, but still beautiful. There are three more buds coming, so this little gal will finish the blooming season with a bang!

The plant in the next two pictures is called a "Sky Flower" or "Golden Dew Drops" though it's proper name is Duranta erecta. Mine is only a couple months old, but it took off blooming right away. It is very hardy and should do really well in my area. The blooms seem to drip from the plant and they smell a little like chocolate. After the blooms come tiny golden berries. I am taken with how the plant grows with each new section in an almost x like pattern. It is very unique and is supposed to be a fast grower. I snapped the second picture at a nursery today, of a much larger one. I can't wait until mine is as large.

I couldn't resist planting a "balloon flower (Platycodon grandiflorus)" after reading about them on another blog, and seeing one in a local nursery. The plant is small but it put out its first bloom this week, with the bud resembling a little balloon. The opened flower is beautiful and the prettiest shade of blue violet. It too is very hardy and should provide me with lots of future flowers.

I planted the Blue Plumbago below not too long ago, and it also bloomed for the first time this week. The flowers are also a lovely blue violet and this plant should be quite hardy in my area. I look forward to it spreading and climbing the fence, hiding the view into the neighbors weedy yard. The first picture is of the unopened bud, which I think is as beautiful as the opened flowers.

Well that is what is blooming in my desert garden this week. To see posts from around the world and to join in Green Thumb Sunday yourself please visit "As The Garden Grows".


Anonymous said...

Your balloon flower looks cute in the garden. I wanted to add some to my garden in front of some Phlox divaricata, which have pretty blooms in early spring, but not so great foliage after. Since balloon flowers come up extra late in the spring, I thought they would hide the phlox foliage once it was done flowering. I looked for some to add to my garden, but there were none left in the fall in my area. I'll have to be quicker next year.

Sunita Mohan said...

Hi Dee! Thanks for dropping by my blog today and leaving such a nice note. I love it when people do that (leaving a note, I mean ) because I get to see so many new gardens when I follow them.
I'm a bit confused. Arizona is desert-land, am I right? Then how come you have so many tropical plants blooming their heads off for you? Voodoo?

Anonymous said...

Ah, October! This is where we separate the sheep from the goats. I'm not sure if living this far north makes us sheep or goat, but we are definitely not getting any more flowers, and the ones we still do have will not last much longer. this weekend we're having a unexpected warm spell, will be almost 80/23 degrees, bu it won't be long before a killing frost. Your garden looks just wonderful, love the 'distance' shot with a bit of the curved walkway. Inviting!

kesslerdee said...

Thanks for the comments!
Sunita- I very much enjoyed your blog- Arizona is desert but we also have a monsoon season that is just ending with a good deal of rain and the benefits of that.
Deborah- I would love to claim that curved walkway but that is the picture from a local nursery- my garden is never that organized!

Anonymous said...

Beauuuutiful! Ah, if it only still were summer... The fall is here and all the leaves are falling off... Beautiful too, but I just love summer. Or rather Spring!

Aiyana said...

The Sky Flower is very pretty. I didn't realize the balloon flower would grow here--everything I read said it couldn't take the heat! You have so many plants I would like to try but assumed they would fail, according to the experts. So much for experts--go with what a fellow gardener says!

kesslerdee said...

Aiyana: I may be the one who is wrong- I probably rely too much on what they sell locally- thinking they wouldn't sell it if it wasn't for this area- I'll probably find out the hard way!
I did plant this in an area where it gets morning sun but shade during the afternoon.

A Colorful World said...

These flowers are just stunning! The hibiscus is so lovely and all of them are just wonderful! The balloon flower is particularly interesting!

A Colorful World said...
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A Colorful World said...

My daughter says it's getting rather cool for dressing the grandson in shorts anymore to go to school and that he will need his coat! Off to the store to buy long pants (the ones from last spring are all too short!) and I have to find his good winter coat in storage and send it out!!!! :-)

By the way, you've been tagged! Come by my blog and see what to do!

Lilli & Nevada said...

what a beautiful flowers you captured there