Monday, May 31, 2010

A Morning in May...

I did a little walk around the yard this morning to capture the last day of May in pictures.  It is Dahlia time in my garden...some of the new bulbs I planted are blooming for the first time, like this one called "Star's favorite"
And this one called "Duet"

Not sure of this ones name..

This Dahlia is now going on 3 years. I finally found a spot in my yard that it likes and it is loaded with buds.

My Butterfly Bush is going wild this year. The stalks are a good 4 foot tall with heavy blooms.

And in the garden we have Banana Peppers ripening...

And some other kinds of peppers too...

And the Rhubarb looks better every day!
The Early Girl and Ace Tomato's are doing very well.  I ate the first tomato from the Early Girl yesterday. Yum!
Here is my little patch of Sweet Corn...:)

I planted "Money Plant" seeds awhile back and they never grew.  I had this plant come up randomly and couldn't figure out what it was until I noticed the little "money" forming from the tiny purple flowers!
And my wonderful Brugsmania has a fantastic flush of buds developing.  Brug blooms to come!

Here is a picture of the bed under my Olive Tree...Yup those are carrots growing out of the nearest cement tube!
It is bittersweet to say good-bye to May 2010.  With June comes the real heat of Arizona and we won't get much relief until early July when the monsoon comes.  Until then it will be water water water to keep everything alive!


Julie said...

OMG! I guess I had no idea you had all these vegies growing!!! This is the love of my life right now with my few little vegie plants. I am watching them like a mother hen! Yours all look wonderful. Can you keep your tomatoes going much longer with teh heat coming??? I am trying an experiment of keeping mine in semi shade and hoping they will go all the way before I lose them this summer! THey look perfect right now! Good luck with all your beautiful plants!!!

Susan in the Pink Hat said...

Thanks for the post on May in AZ. That corn's a poppin!

Though, it looks like you've got some blossom end rot on those bell peppers.

Table Top Fountains said...

Looks very warm there. It is 60 degrees and raining in Upstate NY. Enjoy the heat and the garden is looking great!