Saturday, May 22, 2010

Summer Passions

It wouldn't be summer without the butterflies making my passion vine their nursery.  This one is just getting ready to give birth...
And here is a baby a short time later after eating his fill of passion vine leaves...

And getting ready to transform...

Desert Paradise at first light...

Nasturtiums planted from seeds...

And Pansies, still blooming but getting smaller and smaller as it gets hotter here.

Love the colors on this little cactus...

And a passion flower...


PAK ART said...

The butterflies are gorgeous...not so enthralled with the caterpillars, but I guess you got to have them first. Your flowers are beautiful.

Corner Gardener Sue said...

I love your passion vine and other blooms. The butterflies are an added bonus, and now that I'm growing plants for both the butterflies and the caterpillars, I'm seeing beauty in the caterpillars, too.

I am in Nebraska, zone 5b. I grew a passion vine last year, that climbed up the support, but did not bloom, and I don't think there were any caterpillars on it. I don't remember if I'd checked to see if any of the caterpillars in our area even feed on them. I wonder if I should try again. Those blooms are so cool!

Julie said...

I remember this color passionflower from my neighbors yard during my childhood...I haven't see it down here anywhere since then! It is just gorgeous!!! Thanks for posting!

Deb said...

Dee...beautiful the is my 2nd favorite flower...

Pudgeduck said...

Hi Dee- Check out the bloom on my Brug. Thanks for sending the cutting- I have another one getting ready to bloom!!!I love them! I tried a passion vine- no luck!