I was standing near the big scary Cholla yesterday, contemplating the Cape Honeysuckle and the affect of the lower night temperatures on the blooms, when I heard the distinct sound of the Cactus Wren. I looked up and perched on the Cholla, staring right at me was a darling little Cactus Wren, one of the inhabitants of the many nests in my big Cholla cactus. I quick put the camera up and took a few pictures, as she chittered and hopped among the thorny limbs. These birds are known to be quite outgoing and she seemed to be quite at ease being so near to me, but still protected in her thorny home. In reading a little about the Cactus Wren I discovered that they build many nests, but only one is the real nest for the babies, the others are decoy nests that serve as roosts. That would make sense why there are several nests in this cactus, the newest being almost in the center of the plant, and very protected by the sharp thorny arms of the cactus- hopefully her protection doesn't become her killer in the end. These little birds live on a diet of mostly insects, and a little fruit, so I love having them in my yard. The Cactus Wren is also the official state bird of Arizona. The second picture below is a shot of the newest nest in the Cholla.

To see other "Camera Critters" posts please visit Camera Critters.
I wanted to post the tiny lavendar bouganvilla flowers that are forming at last. Now all three of my Bouganvilla have begun to bloom. It was a long wait for some color on these but definitely worth the wait.

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To see other "Camera Critters" posts please visit Camera Critters.
Happy Green Thumb Sunday!
Great pictures. It was really interesting to see a bird in that cactus. Cool! :-)
Never saw that breed of bird before. Thanks for sharing. :)
What a clever bird she is, building fake nests to deter preditors from finding the real one. I hope she always lands lightly when going home :)
fascinating Sandy
I liked the cute Desert Wren. I too have posted on a desert delight, you may find it interesting, do visit if you get time.
I wish I had some bird visitors at my place beyond the doves, sparrows and blackbirds. Occasionally I have hummingbirds,but never quail or cactus wrens. I wonder why.
It takes a brave woman to get that close to a Cholla. I have a couple and I give them a wide berth!
Ouch! Looks like it would hurt! Great post!
I loved looking at all your photos, they are beautiful. The different types of plants and cactus are really interesting.
That little birdie must have tough footies. :-)
What a sweet little wren face staring back at you (and us). Really interesting post on all your desert garden doings.
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